Exploring New Horizons
Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com
This morning, unless something goes awry, I’ll be debuting as a guest contributor on another blog. I’ve joined a team collaborating to write about mental health issues on the blog, The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog. I want to thank James Edgar Skye for extending the invitation. I’ll be posting in both places and I intend to vary the content depending on my capricious nature.
You’ll most likely find a lighter tone on Colleen’s Corner and topics with more edginess and a definite connection to mental health on The Bipolar Writer. Cheers if you’re here for the first time. You’ll notice I eschew exclamation points unless absolutely necessary. Today I’m bidding farewell to the month of April and I’m incredibly excited to see all of the blossoms May will bring.
I hope your day is glorious,
~Colleen (aka CBD)