Deep Breath
Here we go
oday is a big day. After six weeks away from my draft, I’m having a teleconference with my editor to hear her feedback. To get in a receptive frame of mind, I watched vintage Brené Brown in her inaugural TEDx talk about vulnerability. I hadn’t seen it in a while and her simple yet fierce courage always inspires me.
Another favorite, JK Rowling’s, “Fringe Benefits of Failure” (2008 Commencement Address to Harvard graduates) puts things in perspective.
During the speech, she eloquently describes something I have also experienced: Epic failure. Ms. Rowling stated how actually freeing it was to note, “my greatest fear had been realized.”
Living with mental illness for the past thirty years and battling back from excruciating episodes more times than I can count has helped me understand resilience and get a grip on what matters most. I want to be open to my editor’s suggestions, listen without defensiveness and be present to the experience. I’m excited to get back to the business of writing and revising. I must say, I do prefer being in the arena to the surety and safety of not submitting my work. It’s all part of the writing life to take creative risks, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’ll report in on how it goes.