CBD Returns

My how time flies. When we last chatted, winter covered the land. Now spring has sprung, there are buds on the trees and I’m buying sandals. You’re right, it doesn’t take much to get me to buy things, but the change of seasons helps.

I dusted off my hosting skills and sat twenty-four for Easter dinner last weekend. It was fun for me and the weather in Mpls certainly cooperated. We had all of the windows and doors open. The bugs haven’t descended yet so all is well.

The title of the post is a two-fer. I’m back blogging and the state of Minnesota sent me a postcard in the mail informing me they finally figured out how to transfer personalized license plates between cars. I kid you not. The system was down for two years. In that time I bought a new-ish car and wanted my CBD plates to stay with me.

I bought the plates five cars ago so we go way back to my minivan days. I’ve owned those three letters for almost twenty years. Now, however, guys that look like Jerry Garcia are giving me the thumb’s up at the gas station. It seems my monogram has become the calling card for oils, bears and other cannabis products. Great, I’ve never gone near the stuff and and now I look like a dealer.

I prefer the association with downtown, aka Central Business District. My fantastic husband has toiled there for most of his career. He loves showing up to industry functions like golf tournaments sporting the CBD plates. Then again, he gets a kick out of life in general.

The book is still humming along and speaking of it, I should get back to it. Thanks for reading this post and I will check in soon.

Enjoy all of the spring blossoms!



Books and Candy


Snow Daze