
I got some feedback about my first post from aforementioned children. The support continues, which is well received. But I started a blog while whining about my unfinished book. The two seem incompatible: one a parasite and the other an unwilling host.

Actually, writing is relaxing. I put enormous energy into twisting my story into a fictionalized memoir, a true life novel, and a plain ordinary novel. I will not divulge how long I’ve spent on the project exactly because it has morphed many times. Each time I started the clock over, set new deadlines made more promises. But still no book arrived.

I’m pretty sure it’s because any of those books I would have published wouldn’t have captured what I wanted to say. It wasn’t simply the book that wasn’t ready, it absolutely was me.

Timing is everything. I named one of my characters Al Hamilton decades ago. I was staring at my toaster and inspiration struck. I went to the library and looked up the relatively obscure early American figure. I wanted to see what I could work into the story. Maybe he was bullied in school about being on the $10 bill. I guess Lin Manuel was a tad quicker off the draw than I was.

It’s okay, though. The universe works in mysterious ways. Now it may be my Instant Pot that creates a new bit of genius. I’m willing to give it a try.



Take Good Care


Holy Wormhole